Shamanic Space offers individual shamanic healing sessions,
plant medicine ceremonies, shamanic workshops,
plant medicine aftercare and a monthly drumming circle.
Within Europe and Peru, we offer safe and supported traditional
ceremonies working with the sacred plant medicines
Ayahuasca, San Pedro and Psilocybin.
We offer private shamanic healing sessions held in London working with experienced shamanic practitioners Michele Costa Lukis and Leandro D’Andrea. Sessions may include extractions, soul retrial, divination and power animal work.
Plant medicine aftercare is also available with trained psychotherapist and medicine woman, Michele Costa Lukis for those in need of guidance to process and integrate.
“My greatest joy is to share the knowledge that I have discovered through my work as an archaeologist and an anthropologist alongside the teachings of wisdom from my shamanic path. My spiritual path is to preserve the ancient Andean wisdom of my country and to bridge the understanding of these traditions into the modern world. This is of utmost importance to me.”
Dr Rubén Orellana PhD
Our unique shamanic retreats and pilgrimages offer the opportunity to work with Ayahuasca, San Pedro and Psilocybin in safe, traditional ceremonies held by experienced curanderos, ayahuasceros and shamans in small, supported groups.
8th - 13th May 2021
A unique opportunity to experience the powerful healing benefits of two ancient practices that have stood the test of time: Yoga and San Pedro. Join Rubén Orellana, Michele Costa Lukis, Craig Norris and Michele Pianigiani for a journey of healing and self-empowerment and reawakening of conenction to spirit and self.
18th November - 4th December 2021
A one of a kind retreat showcasing the healing arts of the Andes. Dr Rubén Orellana PhD, the former head archaeologist of Machu Picchu and Michele Costa Lukis will be your guides on this unique journey from the Amazon Jungle to the highlands. Work with Ayahuasca and San Pedro in traditional ceremonies with experienced Curanderos and Ayahuasceros for the purposes of healing mind, body and spirit.
Dates tbc
A spiritual journey and physically demanding adventure tour with Maori healing, shamanism, inner warrior work and Sol Petersen’s renowned sweat lodge. Led by shamanic practitioner Leandro D’Andrea, experience the stunning landscapes of the North Island, bringing you back in touch with nature and yourself.
15th - 18th May 2021
Join Maestro of San Pedro, Dr Rubén Orellana PhD, transpersonal-psychotherapist and medicine woman Michele Costa Lukis and shamanic practitioner Leandro D’Andrea as they guide you through three traditional San Pedro ceremonies with the intention of healing spiritually, mentally, physically and emotionally.
31st July - 19th August 2022
A trip of shamanic healing and expanding of consciousness in one of the most beautiful and diverse countries in the world. Work with Ayahuasca and San Pedro in safe, traditional ceremonies held by experienced archaeologist, anthropologist and curandero, Dr Rubén Orellana and psychotherapist Michele Costa Lukis on this incredible journey through Peru, from the jungle to the coast, highlands and desert.
2021 Dates Now Available
Experience the profound healing and consciousness raising benefits of Psilocybin in safe and supported ceremonies held by psychotherapist and shamanic practitioner Michele Costa Lukis and shamanic practitioner, Leandro D'Andrea in the beautiful Dutch Countryside.
Visit our London centre based in Brockley for a variety of shamanic workshops passing on the tools of healing without the aid of medicine plants.
A programme of workshops for the purpose of experiential shamanic healing through the techniques of meditation, visualisation and shamanic work. Learn to work with crystals, power animals and the drum as tools for healing, journeying into your own spirit world and expanding of consciousness.
22nd - 23rd Feb & 29th - 1st March 2020
Dr Rubén Orellana, Curandero and archaeologist joins us from his home in Peru to hold this unique two day workshop sharing the ancient techniques of Andean healing and exploring the art of release within the shamanic tradition.
A day long workshop for those interested in learning more about shamanic journeying – the principal tool of shamans and shamanic practitioners. We will work with the powerful beat of the drum to help your soul take flight and journey to your spirit world. Recommend for those beginning on the shamanic path.
New dates tbc
Create your own shamanic drum in the traditional manner from natural, ethically sourced materials in this day long workshop and birthing ceremony held by shamanic practitioner Leandro D’Andrea.
Michele’s recent interview with Dr Aaron Balick and Nathalie Nahai for their podcast, ‘Seeking The Self’, in which she discusses her relationship with Ayahuasca and the process of working with power plants.